Friday, February 15, 2008

Practical 9

Most Important Lesson

Throughout my semester in UIR, I have learn many things pertaining to the gathering of information on the internet. I didn't used to know the difference between Meta Search engines and normal search engines. I have also never used subject directories, hence it has been a enlightening experience for me.
The use of WIKI wetpaint has also been an eye opener for me. I find it extremely useful for sharing of online information as well as carrying out discussions.
Lastly, I've a better understanding of how to evaluate websites in terms of their quality, accuracy and various other factors before considering it to be my source. This is very important because the internet is full of information so picking and choosing correct websites for research is critical.
That's all I have to say for the final post in this blog.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Practical 8

Learning Citation
Well, the assignment 2 is due soon! This week my group had to compile all the sources from assignment 2. This isn't easy as summarize and ensure that our information do not over lap with each other. Also, we had to ensure that we do not lose our sources because we have to cite them at the end of the wiki to avoid plagiarism according the APA style. Therefore in reports citations are especially important.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Practical 7

Creating a Wiki
This week, we had to participate in our very own wiki! wet-paint allows my group members and me to contribute and compile our findings on our very own wiki page. I find it useful because I am able to see what my group mates have done and not repeat the same work. The topic that I've been researching on has also enlightened me greatly. I feel that 3G is such a wonderful technology that has many uses and features, even so it is continuously being developed and improved on such as 3.5G and pre4-G. However, what excites me the most is the future of 3G - or beyond it, the 4G. It promises a lot of improvements over the 3G technology - definitely one for future. For more information drop by my wiki at the following location: CLICK HERE
Well, thats it for this week. Until next week!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Practical 6b

I participated in the discussion forum on OLE recently. This allows me to realise that many people have very different views as compare to me and some may appear quite aggressive their approach to voice their views on the forums. Some also shared their personal experience which has been an eye opener for me.

This week's task is similar to last week's. Another source to evaluate!

Fourth Generation (4G) Wireless, Information and Resources


The purposes of this website is clearly stated as the webpage's title: Fourth Generation (4G) Wireless, Information and Resources. Basically, the website is a collection of information about the 4G concept, which is the future of the currently used 3G technologies in the mobile phone industry. Details about the development can be found in the web. They aim to be the ultimate comprehensive resource for third generation wireless/UMTS and fourth generation wireless technology.

This website covers almost everything 4G. There are links to latest blog posts about 4G, general news about the 4G technology, FAQs, and even a 4G concept webpage should anyone be extremely interested in the topic. Links to other sites are extremely useful for more information. There is even a heated discussion as to why 3G are not as widely as utilized as it should be, and hopes about the future development of 3G-4G standards that should be better.

I consider this site to authorative as any and every source is credited and even some research papers on the topic. However I could not find any reviews about the sites nor has it been included in any gateways or virtual libraries.

The facts are extremely accurate as many of them have different links to websites backing them up. Generally, there is no biasness in the sources, especially in 4G concepts, and the references are stated clearly. However, the website also contains links to blog posts, obviously since blog posts are created by people blogging about their own personal opinions, there may a slight biasness in some of the information listed. The website is professionally done and is free from grammatical, spelling and typographical.

Links to blog posts are not outdated as there always new 4G developments to talk about. However, some parts of the website, such as FAQs, and General news about 4G are about 1 year old. This means that it may be up to date. However, the links for the information are especially relevant because many contain background information about this growing yet young technology.
This site is easily accessible. Googling '4G' has the webpage listed amongst the top results. No registration is needed and logins and all the information listed are free. All the information in the site is accessible for free and no log-ins is required.The presentation and arrangement of the site is clear and extremely well organized.

The main page itself goes straight to the point - Latest Blog Entries, FAQs about 4G, News about 4G, 4G Mobile concepts and so on. It skips the fancy graphics - something I appreciate as it is easy to pick out what I need to find. It is clear, consistent and precise. Information is easy to understand and important issues are highlighted in this site. The main topics are listed clearly.

There is a mini search bar at the bottom of the web provided by google. This allows me to search the website for any keywords. I find this a plus to the usability because it enhances the navigation of the site.

Overall, although this website is slightly dated, I find that it contains information that allows me to better understand the future of 3G technology - 4G. Many of the research papers are especially enlightening. The information is concise and easy to find. The additional of various links has also helped me in my search. The only thing I wish is that it could be updated so that newer developments can be found on the website too.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Practical 6a

This week I'm supposed to evaluate one internet resource for the start of Assignment 2! So here we go:
Topic: Developments of 3G Technology on mobile devices
Keywords: 3G Development mobile device



The purposes of this website is to be the one stop source for anything 3G- phones, news, reviews, discussion forum, store, games and newsletter.

There are links to the latest news, mobile phone reviews, 3g games, and even a discussion forum the talk more about 3G. The links are useful

Judging from the amount of activity in the discussion forum, I realize that many of the users have a high regard for the website. Ho

Generally there are not much facts listed on the website. However, the technical aspects of the 3G phones are accurate because they are mostly quoted from the manufacturers themselves. The news items are lifted from various reliables news websites, such as and many more hence they are extremely reliable. However, reviews, and posts in the discussion forums are often open for interpretation as they are opinions and views of many users and therefore may have some biasness involved.

This website, and their forums are updated constantly – possibility every day or at least every other day. This means they are extremely update in the latest developments of news in the market and the industry.

This site is easily accessible. It is listed on the 1st page of most search facilities. No registration is needed and logins and all the information listed are free. They developed a one or two click through approach only, to get to the information you are looking for. This site provides information quicker than any other related sites.

The information is arranged is neat, table format presenting a professional look to the website. The tabs are neatly placed above the main content. There are pictures relating to the news along with a short summary of what’s the article about. I find this pleasing as I can easily scan through the picture and the summaries and find what I need.

The categories and listed as tabs above the webpage making the web extremely easy to navigate. There is also search link at the bottom along with a site map. All these makes the webpage extremely user friendly. There are pictures and short summaries. The one or two click approach system makes it extremely easy to find the information I want.

Overall I feel that this website is truly one stop for everything 3G. The news is updated frequently, the discussion forums are active, and the web is easy to navigate. This makes this site extremely useful in finding out things about the 3G technologies.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Practical 4 & 5

The purpose of this practicals is to assist us in doing our very first assignment. Basically, what I have to do is to compare 3 different types of search facilities using the Topic: Drug abuses on Youths selected previously.
The 3 types of facilities are: Search Engines, Meta Search engines, and Subject Directories.

For search engines, I chose the most famous -
Google ranks results by the number of links from the largest number of pages also ranked high by the service. The more highly ranked pages that link to a certain page, the higher the linked-to page will be ranked by Google. This unique ranking system can be quite effective. It is also possible to search Images, Groups and News from the tabs available.

For Meta Search Engines, I chose
Meta search engines simultaneously search multiple search engines and returns results from each sources minus the duplicate files. Therefore only a limited number of results available will be returned from each source when you do a search.

I chose for my subject directories because it was the only one I knew of.
The way of searching for yahoo directory is to click on the topic that you are looking for and it will break down into a smaller scope for you to find your information.

To conclude,

Google, as a search engine, is good for looking for a specific topic and if your topic is made up of multiple ideas. This can be attributed to the usage of the advanced search interface that allows you to do a search that is targeted at your needs. The link ranking of results may also bring extremely relevant results to the top. However, due to the large number of hits, browsing every links may be not very efficient.

Metacrawler, the meta search engine, is good for searching multiple sources at the same time. This may come in handy if the topic you are searching on is obscure and made up of multiple concepts. The number of hits is slightly more than Directory but this may mean some relevant websites are omitted. It should be noted that even though metacrawler may obtain some same results as google, it is not necessary a better way to do an internet search as it does not represent the totality of result. Its use is also limited to simple queries.
Yahoo Directory, the subject directory, is an excellent place to start research on a topic that is broad. Being able to browse through subject categories is extremely useful and even searching the directory results in a small amount of hits that is efficient for browsing link by links on the relevant resources. Because the results are human compiled, the results have already been selected carefully by various people and therefore may return the most relevant results of all the search facilities.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Week 4 Practical 3

Resource 1:
Purpose of resource: Advocacy
Resource 1 is an advocacy website as it is created and maintained by an organization to influence its readers. The website also hopes to promote greater awareness about drugs usage and why they are so harmful.

Resource 2:
Purpose of resource: Informational
Resource 2 is an informational website because they are dedicated to the treatment of addictions and eating disorders. They also provide information and treatment resources for all types of addictions. They seek to provide prompt information to individuals needing assistance in finding the right treatment center.

Resource 3:
Purpose of resource: Personal
Resource 3 was was created in order to bring to the forefront, awareness of the sad reality of drug abuse throughout the world in the 21st century. Currently, the owner is collecting every piece of information he could find regarding this subject, and put it here with reference to the origin. The owner clearly feels strongly against drugs and many of the posts relate to his opinion and feelings.